Threat Intelligence Aggregation Agent

Aggregates threat intelligence data from multiple sources, providing IT security teams with actionable insights to mitigate emerging cyber threats.

About the Agent

The Threat Intelligence Aggregation Agent automates the collection and analysis of threat intelligence from multiple sources, including threat databases, security feeds, and external reports. Powered by GenAI, the agent consolidates this information to deliver actionable insights to the IT security team about emerging cyber threats. By pinpointing potential vulnerabilities and risks, it enables IT teams to implement proactive measures, strengthening the organization’s defenses against evolving security challenges. Automating the threat intelligence process enhances response times, equips teams with critical insights, and ensures robust protection against potential cyberattacks. This agent significantly improves security awareness, reduces the risk of breaches, and bolsters the organization’s overall security posture.

Designed for seamless integration, the agent works effortlessly with existing security tools and platforms, aligning with organizational workflows to enable real-time data synchronization and efficient threat management. It also incorporates a robust human feedback loop, allowing IT teams to adjust detection parameters, validate intelligence reports, and provide ongoing input on occurring threats. This iterative feedback process enhances the agent’s adaptability, ensuring it remains accurate, relevant, and capable of addressing the organization’s ever-evolving security needs.



Input Data Set

Sample of data set required for Threat Intelligence Aggregation Agent:

Threat Categories and Prioritization

Threat Categories:

  1. Malicious IP Addresses: These include IP addresses involved in scanning, brute-force attacks, or other suspicious activities.
  2. Phishing Domains: Domains associated with phishing campaigns, used to steal credentials or deliver malware.
  3. Malware Hashes: Unique identifiers for known malware variants, including ransomware and Trojans.
  4. Vulnerabilities (CVEs): Known security vulnerabilities in software that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access or execute code.

Prioritization Criteria:

  1. Severity:

    • Critical: Immediate action required (e.g., known malware with high propagation rates, vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution).
    • High: Serious threats that need to be mitigated quickly (e.g., malicious IP addresses involved in active attacks).
    • Medium: Threats that should be monitored and addressed in the near future (e.g., phishing domains).
    • Low: Lower-priority threats that can be addressed as part of routine security maintenance.
  2. Confidence Level:

    • 90-100%: Highly reliable data, immediate action recommended.
    • 70-89%: Reliable data, but further validation may be required.
    • 50-69%: Less reliable, requires investigation before action.
SourceThreat TypeIndicatorSeverityFirst SeenLast SeenConfidence LevelDescription
ThreatIntelDBMalicious IP203.0.113.50High10/1/202410/11/202493%IP linked to targeted ransomware attacks on financial institutions.
SecureFeedXPhishing Domainpayrollupdate@yahoo.comCritical10/3/202410/12/202497%Domain involved in phishing emails targeting payroll departments.
MalwareRepoYMalware Hashe79e70e4921ed2d35733700e192537d1Critical10/7/202410/10/202495%Variant of LokiBot malware used to steal credentials.
CVE-TrackerZVulnerabilityCVE-2024-5678Critical10/5/202410/12/202492%Critical SQL injection vulnerability affecting multiple CMS platforms.
ThreatIntelDBMalicious IP192.168.100.24Medium10/4/202410/8/202485%IP linked to large-scale web scraping activities.
PhishingWatchPhishing Domainaccountslogin@gmail.comHigh10/6/202410/12/202490%Used in fake account login pages targeting retail websites.
MalwareRepoYMalware Hash0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdefHigh10/8/202410/10/202489%Crypto-miner malware variant spread via malicious downloads.
CVE-TrackerZVulnerabilityCVE-2024-6543Critical10/9/202410/12/202496%Remote code execution vulnerability affecting enterprise VPN solutions.
ThreatIntelDBMalicious IP10.1.2.3Low10/1/202410/6/202465%IP linked to benign network scans, likely used for research purposes.
ExternalReportMalware Hasha1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6Critical10/11/202410/12/202498%Ransomware targeting small businesses, distributed via phishing emails.

Deliverable Example

Sample output delivered by the Threat Intelligence Aggregation Agent:

Threat TypeIndicatorSeverityFirst SeenLast SeenSourceConfidence LevelAction Taken
Phishing Domainpayroll-update.example.comCritical2024-10-032024-10-12SecureFeedX97%Block domain, warn employees
Malwaree79e70e4921ed2d35733700e192537d1Critical2024-10-072024-10-10MalwareRepoY95%Update antivirus, scan systems
VulnerabilityCVE-2024-5678Critical2024-10-052024-10-12CVE-TrackerZ92%Patch affected systems
Phishing Domainaccounts-login.example.orgHigh2024-10-062024-10-12PhishingWatch90%Block domain, notify users
Malicious IP203.0.113.50High2024-10-012024-10-11ThreatIntelDB93%Block IP, review logs
Malware0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdefMedium2024-10-082024-10-10MalwareRepoY89%Scan systems, block downloads

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