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The Lead Qualification Scoring Agent automates the assessment of incoming inquiries by analyzing and scoring leads based on key criteria. Utilizing customizable scoring rules, the agent helps prioritize leads by their potential to convert, focusing efforts on the most promising prospects.
Businesses often struggle with the wide variation in lead quality, leading to inefficiencies and misallocation of resources. Sales teams can waste time on low-value inquiries while high-potential leads are overlooked, resulting in delayed responses and missed revenue opportunities.
The Lead Qualification Scoring Agent streamlines lead management by automatically analyzing incoming inquiries and assigning scores based on the contact person’s decision power, company size, revenue, and geographical location. By filtering out low-value inquiries and emphasizing high-priority leads, this agent enables teams to efficiently focus their efforts on prospects with the highest conversion potential, enhancing productivity and boosting growth.
The Lead Qualification Scoring Agent is designed to automate and streamline the entire lead qualification scoring workflow. The agent is activated when new lead data is received from the specified input sources it monitors (e.g., web forms, email inquiries), automatically initiating a series of predefined, streamlined steps to assess and qualify the lead. Leveraging an advanced large language model (LLM), the agent analyzes lead data in real-time, evaluating key attributes to make data-driven decisions and execute the necessary actions, ensuring precision and efficiency at every stage of the lead qualification process. Below is a detailed breakdown of how the agent works at each step of the process:
Upon capturing new lead data through web forms, emails, or CRM systems, the agent begins the process of analyzing and evaluating the information to assess each lead's potential. The LLM evaluates the lead data to assess the nature of the inquiry, validate the prospect's domain and analyze spam leads. This step involves gathering basic information from various channels and enhancing it for accuracy and depth. The process involves several tasks:
Sample of data set required for Lead Qualification Scoring Agent:
Office ID | Office Name | Address | Phone Number | Email Address | Office Manager | Number of Employees | Office Type | Region/Zone |
14 | Los Angeles Office | 220 Delaware Ave, Louisville, FL, 63101, United States | 555-1736 | office3@valantir.com | Sarah Miller | 117 | Branch | East |
40 | Nashville Office | 156 S Figueroa St, Seattle, PA, 19103, United States | 555-7020 | office43@valantir.com | Sophia Lewis | 458 | Headquarters | East |
31 | Denver Office | 201 Charles St, Buffalo, FL, 99501, United States | 555-5205 | office19@valantir.com | Benjamin Hall | 919 | Branch | West |
46 | Richmond Office | 389 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd, Phoenix, NY, 48226, United States | 555-8208 | office35@valantir.com | Sarah Miller | 382 | Branch | West |
18 | Houston Office | 43 Broad St, Richmond, TX, 95814, United States | 555-6318 | office41@valantir.com | William King | 42 | Headquarters | Central |
49 | Honolulu Office | 214 Nicollet Mall, Anchorage, CA, 78205, United States | 555-4922 | office50@valantir.com | Sophia Lewis | 229 | Branch | Central |
27 | Detroit Office | 187 Fayetteville St, Pittsburgh, MD, 23219, United States | 555-1225 | office10@valantir.com | Emma White | 355 | Branch | East |
26 | Pittsburgh Office | 447 Channelside Dr, San Francisco, CA, 44114, United States | 555-2864 | office35@valantir.com | Patricia Lee | 811 | Branch | Central |
33 | Birmingham Office | 152 Harbor Dr, Birmingham, WI, 33139, United States | 555-8784 | office22@valantir.com | John Doe | 797 | Headquarters | Central |
20 | Pittsburgh Office | 172 Broad St, Philadelphia, TX, 75201, United States | 555-6609 | office44@valantir.com | James Anderson | 748 | Headquarters | Central |
13 | Albuquerque Office | 494 Wisconsin Ave, San Francisco, CA, 15222, United States | 555-1234 | office43@valantir.com | Benjamin Hall | 681 | Headquarters | Central |
5 | Anchorage Office | 365 International Dr, Detroit, GA, 60603, United States | 555-9896 | office39@valantir.com | Jane Smith | 69 | Branch | East |
38 | Dallas Office | 406 Broadway, Baltimore, PA, 28202, United States | 555-9285 | office20@valantir.com | Paul Martinez | 193 | Headquarters | Central |
9 | Columbus Office | 248 Main St, Los Angeles, AK, 15222, United States | 555-2415 | office19@valantir.com | Jane Smith | 244 | Headquarters | Central |
4 | St. Louis Office | 154 Woodward Ave, Austin, CA, 40202, United States | 555-5085 | office25@valantir.com | William King | 752 | Headquarters | Central |
7 | Baltimore Office | 32 Mission St, Richmond, NY, 89109, United States | 555-8141 | office4@valantir.com | Ethan Adams | 636 | Branch | West |
42 | Minneapolis Office | 319 Forbes Ave, Baltimore, PA, 44114, United States | 555-9204 | office31@valantir.com | Andrew Walker | 935 | Branch | West |
47 | Philadelphia Office | 143 Tryon St, Pittsburgh, OH, 32819, United States | 555-4580 | office26@valantir.com | Paul Martinez | 581 | Headquarters | East |
48 | Sacramento Office | 22 Central Ave, Los Angeles, NC, 84101, United States | 555-9533 | office36@valantir.com | David Taylor | 254 | Headquarters | Central |
16 | Cleveland Office | 452 Central Ave, Fresno, MO, 97204, United States | 555-8582 | office10@valantir.com | Andrew Walker | 895 | Headquarters | West |
10 | Denver Office | 290 S Dearborn St, Houston, HI, 70112, United States | 555-9765 | office45@valantir.com | William King | 846 | Branch | East |
17 | Tampa Office | 170 K St, Birmingham, GA, 98101, United States | 555-8665 | office36@valantir.com | Sarah Miller | 234 | Branch | Central |
25 | Salt Lake City Office | 76 Commerce St, Houston, CA, 85016, United States | 555-1258 | office9@valantir.com | Emily Davis | 811 | Branch | East |
35 | Milwaukee Office | 263 S Figueroa St, Sacramento, CA, 99501, United States | 555-7175 | office27@valantir.com | James Anderson | 850 | Branch | West |
32 | Austin Office | 118 Broad St, Albuquerque, CA, 14202, United States | 555-4585 | office16@valantir.com | Sophia Lewis | 986 | Branch | East |
1 | Seattle Office | 222 S Figueroa St, Birmingham, OH, 45202, United States | 555-5532 | office9@valantir.com | David Taylor | 447 | Headquarters | East |
45 | Boise Office | 248 Poydras St, Tampa, IN, 77002, United States | 555-5896 | office26@valantir.com | Paul Martinez | 566 | Branch | East |
28 | St. Louis Office | 168 Channelside Dr, Portland, FL, 19103, United States | 555-9935 | office18@valantir.com | Laura Thomas | 835 | Branch | Central |
34 | Chicago Office | 214 Congress Ave, Raleigh, TX, 20001, United States | 555-1480 | office7@valantir.com | Ava Turner | 648 | Headquarters | West |
6 | St. Louis Office | 230 Morrison St, Pittsburgh, TX, 10036, United States | 555-1661 | office45@valantir.com | Sarah Miller | 192 | Headquarters | West |
30 | Detroit Office | 356 Broadway, Honolulu, UT, 10036, United States | 555-4636 | office15@valantir.com | Emily Davis | 74 | Headquarters | Central |
12 | Albuquerque Office | 342 Main St, San Diego, TX, 46204, United States | 555-8974 | office35@valantir.com | Lisa Brown | 536 | Headquarters | East |
37 | Orlando Office | 23 Tryon St, Milwaukee, LA, 99501, United States | 555-9632 | office20@valantir.com | Jane Smith | 978 | Branch | West |
2 | Boise Office | 434 Charles St, Phoenix, OR, 75201, United States | 555-5364 | office22@valantir.com | Ava Turner | 217 | Headquarters | East |
22 | Las Vegas Office | 401 Superior Ave, Richmond, MN, 92101, United States | 555-2704 | office34@valantir.com | Michael Johnson | 94 | Branch | East |
Lead ID | Customer ID | Customer Name | Industry | Company Size | Company Revenue | Company Location | Contact Person Role | Engagement Level | Account Manager | Contract ID | Contract Value | Supplier ID | Supplier Name | Lead Score |
Lead-4659 | CUST-452 | PrimeCool Logistics | Retail | Small | 2229106 | 447 Superior Ave, Albuquerque, OR, 99501, United States | Sales Executive | High | Michael Johnson | CON-315 | 877940 | SUP-125 | ChillDairy Products | 27 |
Lead-1930 | CUST-83 | Tropical Foods | Restaurant | Small | 8708688 | 201 Fayetteville St, Washington, GA, 94105, United States | IT Specialist | High | Sarah Miller | CON-467 | 54721 | SUP-393 | ChillDairy Products | 77 |
Lead-7264 | CUST-257 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Restaurant | Medium | 285326 | 393 Delaware Ave, Austin, AZ, 95814, United States | IT Specialist | Low | Laura Thomas | CON-145 | 484696 | SUP-190 | ChillDairy Products | 88 |
Lead-7371 | CUST-125 | Tropical Foods | Retail | Large | 9282866 | 63 Channelside Dr, New York, IL, 80202, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Medium | Michael Johnson | CON-457 | 867613 | SUP-236 | FrozenFisheries | 60 |
Lead-7093 | CUST-478 | Lakeside Produce | Warehouse | Medium | 8266581 | 447 K St, Seattle, FL, 27601, United States | Safety Officer | High | Sarah Miller | CON-16 | 383877 | SUP-366 | FreshDairy Co. | 42 |
Lead-7246 | CUST-420 | ChillOut Storage | Retail | Small | 852220 | 241 Market St, Columbus, ID, 78701, United States | HR Manager | High | Patricia Lee | CON-141 | 549354 | SUP-341 | EcoDrink Suppliers | 52 |
Lead-5722 | CUST-183 | FarmFresh Distributors | Grocery | Large | 3844529 | 367 Tryon St, Cleveland, UT, 55403, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | David Taylor | CON-358 | 743797 | SUP-4 | FrozenBite Foods | 97 |
Lead-8723 | CUST-384 | EcoFresh Grocers | Warehouse | Small | 5751267 | 310 Peachtree St, Los Angeles, TN, 15222, United States | Sales Executive | Medium | Robert Jackson | CON-24 | 19847 | SUP-380 | ArcticSea Ltd. | 60 |
Lead-9262 | CUST-82 | Seamless Supply Co. | Food Industry | Medium | 7529257 | 314 Broadway, Buffalo, MI, 48226, United States | Customer Service Representative | High | William King | CON-367 | 528940 | SUP-224 | CoolMilk Suppliers | 59 |
Lead-6580 | CUST-296 | Tropical Foods | Warehouse | Large | 1734863 | 238 Park Ave, Minneapolis, TN, 89109, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | Laura Thomas | CON-252 | 701482 | SUP-156 | ColdBeverages Ltd. | 11 |
Lead-7014 | CUST-394 | FrostGrocers Ltd. | Food Industry | Small | 8344397 | 394 Broadway, Las Vegas, CA, 44114, United States | Financial Analyst | Low | Paul Martinez | CON-337 | 939976 | SUP-176 | GreenValley Juices | 54 |
Lead-1693 | CUST-461 | Harvesting Warehouse | Logistics | Medium | 9307301 | 259 Commerce St, Louisville, FL, 85016, United States | Operations Supervisor | Medium | Daniel Harris | CON-208 | 417698 | SUP-397 | FrostySeafoods | 35 |
Lead-9651 | CUST-158 | Mountain Peak Foods | Restaurant | Small | 3193885 | 482 S Figueroa St, New Orleans, CA, 80202, United States | HR Manager | Low | Laura Thomas | CON-120 | 715859 | SUP-397 | FrostySeafoods | 2 |
Lead-1231 | CUST-256 | Prime Food Partners | Logistics | Small | 9242726 | 4 International Dr, Sacramento, TX, 14202, United States | Financial Analyst | High | Jane Smith | CON-366 | 512576 | SUP-91 | ColdVeggie Suppliers | 42 |
Lead-3996 | CUST-161 | FrostyEdge Supply | Food Industry | Medium | 4918283 | 231 Capitol Mall, San Francisco, MI, 98101, United States | Warehouse Manager | High | Madison Scott | CON-280 | 280850 | SUP-156 | FreshDairy Co. | 23 |
Lead-8869 | CUST-366 | Harvest Organics | Food Industry | Small | 6507450 | 45 Congress Ave, Milwaukee, MI, 44114, United States | Safety Officer | High | Andrew Walker | CON-80 | 819770 | SUP-369 | GreenValley Frozen | 19 |
Lead-7785 | CUST-469 | Arctic Storage | Logistics | Medium | 9612077 | 117 Park Ave, Fresno, TX, 02116, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | Ethan Adams | CON-42 | 518277 | SUP-77 | FreshHarvest Co. | 36 |
Lead-7213 | CUST-285 | ColdChain Logistics | Warehouse | Large | 6839684 | 483 Kalakaua Ave, Orlando, CA, 15222, United States | Operations Supervisor | Medium | Jane Smith | CON-477 | 961180 | SUP-489 | CoolBreeze Meats | 100 |
Lead-9388 | CUST-120 | Global Foods | Logistics | Small | 3604899 | 381 Channelside Dr, Louisville, MO, 87102, United States | Data Entry Clerk | High | Olivia Clark | CON-403 | 464655 | SUP-81 | FreshDairy Co. | 4 |
Lead-3471 | CUST-149 | ChillZone Solutions | Warehouse | Medium | 9474900 | 22 S Figueroa St, Phoenix, HI, 60603, United States | HR Manager | Low | Jane Smith | CON-40 | 289336 | SUP-190 | ChillDairy Products | 34 |
Lead-1975 | CUST-52 | Lakeside Produce | Retail | Small | 7098637 | 360 Washington Ave, Sacramento, TX, 55403, United States | IT Specialist | High | Michael Johnson | CON-458 | 988734 | SUP-366 | FreshDairy Co. | 53 |
Lead-5870 | CUST-439 | FrostBite Warehousing | Restaurant | Medium | 1925601 | 490 1st Ave, Richmond, MO, 78205, United States | Operations Supervisor | High | Andrew Walker | CON-116 | 481043 | SUP-19 | Harvest Greens Ltd. | 19 |
Lead-7088 | CUST-409 | Harvest Organics | Warehouse | Medium | 9911994 | 128 Main St, Richmond, CA, 15222, United States | Logistics Coordinator | Medium | Isabella Evans | CON-358 | 743797 | SUP-217 | FrostMeats Ltd. | 66 |
Lead-3774 | CUST-351 | FarmFresh Distributors | Warehouse | Large | 6058204 | 2 Camelback Rd, Kansas City, CA, 83702, United States | Operations Supervisor | Medium | Ethan Adams | CON-467 | 54721 | SUP-397 | FrostySeafoods | 59 |
Lead-2938 | CUST-98 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Food Industry | Medium | 8068200 | 269 Charles St, Buffalo, CA, 45202, United States | IT Specialist | Medium | Paul Martinez | CON-426 | 942480 | SUP-369 | Harvest Greens Ltd. | 23 |
Lead-2171 | CUST-246 | PureFoods Supply | Grocery | Small | 4425861 | 488 Broad St, Las Vegas, WA, 87102, United States | Safety Officer | Medium | Lisa Brown | CON-182 | 537952 | SUP-299 | FreshDairy Co. | 95 |
Lead-1703 | CUST-486 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Warehouse | Large | 1567341 | 279 Broadway, Albuquerque, KY, 77002, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | Madison Scott | CON-371 | 652769 | SUP-156 | FreshDairy Co. | 84 |
Lead-4559 | CUST-466 | Savvy Shopper Logistics | Grocery | Large | 4960934 | 221 Channelside Dr, Washington, TX, 32819, United States | Warehouse Manager | High | Andrew Walker | CON-4 | 926598 | SUP-318 | FreshHarvest Co. | 88 |
Lead-9529 | CUST-54 | ColdComfort Logistics | Food Industry | Large | 7063013 | 83 Washington Ave, San Francisco, WI, 85016, United States | Safety Officer | Low | Andrew Walker | CON-330 | 683352 | SUP-41 | FreshHarvest Co. | 23 |
Lead-8968 | CUST-310 | NextGen Supply Chain | Restaurant | Medium | 6106989 | 197 International Dr, Oklahoma City, CA, 02116, United States | HR Manager | Medium | Emily Davis | CON-344 | 282790 | SUP-489 | CoolBreeze Meats | 60 |
Lead-9379 | CUST-133 | Natural Foods Co. | Restaurant | Large | 9911545 | 238 Forbes Ave, Boise, CA, 93721, United States | Warehouse Manager | High | Ethan Adams | CON-93 | 80191 | SUP-236 | FrozenFisheries | 99 |
Lead-4854 | CUST-148 | Lakeside Produce | Food Industry | Large | 1104567 | 310 Ocean Dr, New Orleans, FL, 64108, United States | Safety Officer | Low | David Taylor | CON-316 | 381308 | SUP-116 | FreshFlow Drinks | 66 |
Lead-3908 | CUST-445 | FarmFresh Distributors | Food Industry | Small | 1819921 | 108 Harbor Dr, Washington, MD, 27601, United States | Sales Executive | High | Robert Jackson | CON-468 | 39999 | SUP-299 | FreshDairy Co. | 46 |
Lead-7889 | CUST-328 | UrbanCold Logistics | Logistics | Small | 3591634 | 396 Broadway, Detroit, VA, 44114, United States | Customer Service Representative | High | William King | CON-469 | 51758 | SUP-408 | GreenField Dairy | 79 |
Lead-1277 | CUST-17 | ColdChain Logistics | Grocery | Large | 9755715 | 240 Camelback Rd, San Antonio, PA, 92101, United States | Operations Supervisor | Low | Emma White | CON-175 | 18965 | SUP-449 | FrozenTreats Ltd. | 2 |
Lead-3506 | CUST-483 | QuickBite Foods | Logistics | Medium | 2443802 | 3 Central Ave, Chicago, NC, 28202, United States | Operations Supervisor | High | Madison Scott | CON-293 | 774824 | SUP-19 | Harvest Greens Ltd. | 45 |
Lead-2912 | CUST-202 | FarmFresh Distributors | Grocery | Medium | 5839655 | 62 Meridian St, Dallas, NV, 20001, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | Robert Jackson | CON-52 | 866934 | SUP-349 | CoolMilk Suppliers | 65 |
Lead-3548 | CUST-122 | Seamless Supply Co. | Warehouse | Large | 2905843 | 38 Channelside Dr, Columbus, FL, 84101, United States | Financial Analyst | High | William King | CON-131 | 411320 | SUP-190 | ChillDairy Products | 32 |
Lead-1740 | CUST-161 | FrostyEdge Supply | Food Industry | Medium | 199118 | 231 Capitol Mall, San Francisco, MI, 98101, United States | IT Specialist | Low | Madison Scott | CON-448 | 401088 | SUP-144 | ArcticSea Ltd. | 17 |
Lead-7972 | CUST-371 | Arctic Storage | Logistics | Large | 8580626 | 155 S Figueroa St, Chicago, NV, 37203, United States | Sales Executive | High | Sarah Miller | CON-5 | 685571 | SUP-125 | ChillDairy Products | 82 |
Lead-4353 | CUST-14 | FrostyEdge Supply | Retail | Large | 1862255 | 16 Ocean Dr, Philadelphia, CA, 85016, United States | Safety Officer | Medium | Benjamin Hall | CON-4 | 926598 | SUP-305 | ColdChain Suppliers | 81 |
Lead-9213 | CUST-403 | ChillZone Solutions | Grocery | Medium | 5662603 | 347 Broadway, Phoenix, CA, 64108, United States | Sales Executive | High | Sarah Miller | CON-48 | 963968 | SUP-390 | EcoFrozen Foods | 75 |
Lead-2614 | CUST-262 | FreshMarket Inc. | Logistics | Medium | 1640439 | 97 Park Ave, Chicago, TX, 02116, United States | Sales Executive | Low | Lisa Brown | CON-432 | 720397 | SUP-125 | ChillDairy Products | 86 |
Lead-3615 | CUST-8 | CoolCrest Supplies | Retail | Small | 4944631 | 362 Channelside Dr, New York, CA, 99501, United States | Operations Supervisor | High | Daniel Harris | CON-477 | 961180 | SUP-103 | QuickBite Foods | 2 |
Lead-8637 | CUST-240 | Prime Food Partners | Warehouse | Large | 4993536 | 489 Vine St, Indianapolis, HI, 43215, United States | Financial Analyst | High | Ethan Adams | CON-181 | 181549 | SUP-466 | ColdChain Suppliers | 59 |
Lead-5999 | CUST-466 | Savvy Shopper Logistics | Grocery | Small | 8226728 | 221 Channelside Dr, Washington, TX, 32819, United States | Safety Officer | High | Andrew Walker | CON-163 | 414075 | SUP-369 | Harvest Greens Ltd. | 45 |
Lead-7362 | CUST-479 | ColdChain Logistics | Restaurant | Large | 3021371 | 127 Charles St, Tampa, OK, 60603, United States | HR Manager | Medium | Sophia Lewis | CON-205 | 68042 | SUP-98 | ColdVeggie Suppliers | 54 |
Lead-6863 | CUST-346 | Tropical Foods | Retail | Large | 8297112 | 418 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd, New Orleans, OK, 77002, United States | Warehouse Manager | High | Joseph Wright | CON-45 | 483422 | SUP-341 | EcoDrink Suppliers | 88 |
Lead-4335 | CUST-462 | GreenField Supplies | Retail | Small | 644554 | 117 W 41st St, Cleveland, TN, 35203, United States | HR Manager | High | Emma White | CON-140 | 818414 | SUP-6 | FreshJuice Co. | 0 |
Lead-5998 | CUST-401 | Harvesting Warehouse | Retail | Small | 946054 | 236 Main St, Denver, VA, 19103, United States | Financial Analyst | High | Lisa Brown | CON-204 | 629071 | SUP-318 | FreshHarvest Co. | 90 |
Lead-2781 | CUST-464 | ColdChain Logistics | Retail | Medium | 2680636 | 423 Wisconsin Ave, New Orleans, AL, 92101, United States | Logistics Coordinator | Low | Emma White | CON-164 | 483769 | SUP-390 | EcoFrozen Foods | 31 |
Lead-5895 | CUST-147 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Grocery | Medium | 2101525 | 132 Broadway, Philadelphia, MO, 92101, United States | Safety Officer | Low | Emma White | CON-451 | 597488 | SUP-466 | ColdChain Suppliers | 1 |
Lead-2020 | CUST-344 | Urban Eateries | Food Industry | Large | 5958313 | 164 Woodward Ave, New York, TX, 21201, United States | Logistics Coordinator | Medium | Sarah Miller | CON-451 | 597488 | SUP-318 | FreshHarvest Co. | 63 |
Lead-1706 | CUST-380 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Restaurant | Small | 202706 | 462 1st Ave, Boise, CA, 60603, United States | Safety Officer | Low | Patricia Lee | CON-151 | 666165 | SUP-217 | FrostMeats Ltd. | 62 |
Lead-7353 | CUST-332 | UrbanCold Logistics | Grocery | Small | 2374084 | 320 Ocean Dr, Anchorage, MD, 90017, United States | Data Entry Clerk | High | Isabella Evans | CON-293 | 774824 | SUP-97 | CoolWater Fisheries | 87 |
Lead-1964 | CUST-246 | PureFoods Supply | Grocery | Large | 5259017 | 488 Broad St, Las Vegas, WA, 87102, United States | Sales Executive | Low | Lisa Brown | CON-437 | 480738 | SUP-366 | FreshDairy Co. | 53 |
Lead-5754 | CUST-328 | UrbanCold Logistics | Logistics | Medium | 103592 | 396 Broadway, Detroit, VA, 44114, United States | Data Entry Clerk | Low | William King | CON-227 | 670129 | SUP-466 | ColdChain Suppliers | 69 |
Lead-4853 | CUST-93 | UrbanCold Logistics | Warehouse | Small | 8786661 | 89 Boylston St, Los Angeles, NC, 53202, United States | Warehouse Manager | High | Joseph Wright | CON-182 | 537952 | SUP-125 | ChillDairy Products | 81 |
Lead-7546 | CUST-300 | Seamless Supply Co. | Retail | Small | 8731218 | 133 Fannin St, Charlotte, FL, 75201, United States | Safety Officer | High | James Anderson | CON-419 | 379297 | SUP-36 | ChillOut Creameries | 74 |
Lead-6843 | CUST-83 | Tropical Foods | Restaurant | Large | 4171704 | 201 Fayetteville St, Washington, GA, 94105, United States | Customer Service Representative | Low | Sarah Miller | CON-27 | 80409 | SUP-368 | CoolWater Fisheries | 53 |
Lead-1415 | CUST-405 | PureFoods Supply | Warehouse | Small | 9307164 | 216 Wisconsin Ave, Atlanta, PA, 75201, United States | Data Entry Clerk | High | David Taylor | CON-389 | 282025 | SUP-224 | CoolMilk Suppliers | 100 |
Lead-3392 | CUST-398 | PeakPerformance Foods | Warehouse | Medium | 2986803 | 344 Morrison St, Richmond, MO, 84101, United States | Logistics Coordinator | High | Andrew Walker | CON-304 | 427996 | SUP-491 | ChillPizza Suppliers | 81 |
Lead-7148 | CUST-71 | FrostyEdge Supply | Grocery | Medium | 6328188 | 429 Vine St, Cincinnati, WA, 83702, United States | Customer Service Representative | Medium | Ava Turner | CON-278 | 450115 | SUP-477 | ColdPressed Juices | 15 |
Lead-2504 | CUST-37 | GreenField Supplies | Restaurant | Large | 7992685 | 376 Alamo St, Albuquerque, ID, 97204, United States | Logistics Coordinator | Low | Andrew Walker | CON-260 | 920785 | SUP-368 | CoolWater Fisheries | 43 |
Lead-4099 | CUST-397 | NorthStar Grocers | Warehouse | Small | 3717155 | 469 Mission St, Portland, MN, 87102, United States | Operations Supervisor | Low | Olivia Clark | CON-48 | 963968 | SUP-368 | CoolWater Fisheries | 38 |
Lead-2644 | CUST-432 | ValleyCold Chain | Grocery | Large | 3781858 | 372 Ocean Dr, Honolulu, FL, 89109, United States | Financial Analyst | High | Emily Davis | CON-482 | 749316 | SUP-368 | CoolWater Fisheries | 3 |
Lead-5870 | CUST-60 | FreshFlow Distribution | Retail | Medium | 1577833 | 123 Fannin St, Orlando, MD, 32819, United States | Operations Supervisor | High | Benjamin Hall | CON-9 | 883307 | SUP-379 | FrostyDelights | 15 |
Lead-6110 | CUST-446 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Grocery | Large | 132793 | 37 Channelside Dr, Phoenix, WA, 87102, United States | Sales Executive | High | Joseph Wright | CON-128 | 264650 | SUP-483 | GreenValley Frozen | 64 |
Lead-2627 | CUST-62 | ChillZone Solutions | Logistics | Small | 6341696 | 238 Main St, Denver, FL, 78701, United States | Financial Analyst | High | Sophia Lewis | CON-331 | 241668 | SUP-137 | CoolMilk Suppliers | 2 |
Lead-6691 | CUST-333 | Arctic Storage | Food Industry | Small | 3634357 | 423 Nicollet Mall, Washington, AL, 89109, United States | HR Manager | Medium | Daniel Harris | CON-441 | 741426 | SUP-449 | FrozenTreats Ltd. | 88 |
Customer ID | Customer Name | Industry | Account Manager | Contact Role | Engagement Level |
CUST-84 | PrimeCool Logistics | Logistics | Sarah Miller | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-54 | ColdComfort Logistics | Food Industry | Andrew Walker | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-71 | FrostyEdge Supply | Grocery | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-46 | ChilledFoods Direct | Logistics | Joseph Wright | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-45 | PeakPerformance Foods | Warehouse | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-40 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Food Industry | Olivia Clark | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-23 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Food Industry | Robert Jackson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-81 | FreshFlow Distribution | Retail | William King | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-11 | Harvest Organics | Grocery | Michael Johnson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-1 | Urban Eateries | Logistics | William King | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-19 | Lakeside Produce | Food Industry | Jane Smith | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-31 | Prime Food Partners | Food Industry | Madison Scott | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-74 | Global Foods | Retail | Daniel Harris | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-34 | Lakeside Produce | Logistics | Patricia Lee | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-91 | EcoGroceries | Restaurant | Andrew Walker | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-5 | PeakPerformance Foods | Grocery | Ethan Adams | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-77 | QuickBite Foods | Restaurant | Laura Thomas | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-78 | EcoGroceries | Logistics | Daniel Harris | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-13 | Tropical Foods | Grocery | David Taylor | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-32 | FrostBite Warehousing | Restaurant | James Anderson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-56 | PrimeCool Logistics | Warehouse | Joseph Wright | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-89 | ChillOut Storage | Restaurant | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-27 | PrimeCool Logistics | Warehouse | Laura Thomas | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-43 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Warehouse | Emily Davis | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-70 | FrostBite Warehousing | Logistics | John Doe | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-16 | PeakPerformance Foods | Warehouse | John Doe | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-41 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Warehouse | Patricia Lee | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-97 | NorthStar Grocers | Retail | Ethan Adams | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-10 | NorthStar Grocers | Retail | Andrew Walker | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-73 | FreshFlow Distribution | Warehouse | Lisa Brown | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-12 | Seamless Supply Co. | Warehouse | Emily Davis | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-48 | EcoChoice Grocers | Restaurant | Michael Johnson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-86 | EcoFresh Grocers | Food Industry | Isabella Evans | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-29 | Harvesting Warehouse | Grocery | Michael Johnson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-94 | FrostGrocers Ltd. | Restaurant | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-6 | ChillOut Storage | Logistics | Patricia Lee | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-67 | QuickBite Foods | Restaurant | Robert Jackson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-66 | FrostGrocers Ltd. | Warehouse | Andrew Walker | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-36 | Lakeside Produce | Logistics | James Anderson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-17 | ColdChain Logistics | Grocery | Emma White | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-50 | Harvesting Warehouse | Warehouse | Emily Davis | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-35 | FarmFresh Distributors | Restaurant | Jane Smith | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-8 | CoolCrest Supplies | Retail | Daniel Harris | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-96 | PrimeCool Logistics | Warehouse | Daniel Harris | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-28 | FreshFlow Distribution | Grocery | Isabella Evans | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-20 | Healthy Harvest Foods | Food Industry | Chris Wilson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-82 | Seamless Supply Co. | Food Industry | William King | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-26 | PureFoods Supply | Logistics | Robert Jackson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-63 | ChillZone Solutions | Food Industry | Daniel Harris | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-14 | FrostyEdge Supply | Retail | Benjamin Hall | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-25 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Retail | Jane Smith | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-4 | Natural Foods Co. | Retail | Robert Jackson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-18 | Arctic Storage | Logistics | Michael Johnson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-39 | FrostyEdge Supply | Food Industry | Chris Wilson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-9 | GreenField Supplies | Retail | Benjamin Hall | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-79 | ChillOut Storage | Warehouse | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-7 | QuickBite Foods | Food Industry | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-65 | Mountain Peak Foods | Warehouse | Robert Jackson | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-37 | GreenField Supplies | Restaurant | Andrew Walker | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-90 | Global Foods | Restaurant | Ava Turner | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-57 | Seamless Supply Co. | Grocery | Joseph Wright | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-100 | BlueWave Foods | Grocery | Lisa Brown | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-55 | BlueWave Foods | Restaurant | Ethan Adams | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-44 | Savvy Shopper Logistics | Grocery | Emma White | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-51 | Mountain Peak Foods | Grocery | Emily Davis | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-68 | FrostBite Warehousing | Logistics | Sarah Miller | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-47 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Retail | Jane Smith | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-69 | FarmFresh Distributors | Warehouse | Benjamin Hall | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-62 | ChillZone Solutions | Logistics | Sophia Lewis | Decision Maker | High |
CUST-98 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Food Industry | Paul Martinez | Decision Maker | High |
Sample output delivered by the Lead Qualification Scoring Agent:
Lead ID | Customer Name_x | Industry_x | Company Size | Company Revenue | Engagement Level_x | Contact Person Role | Calculated Lead Score |
Lead-4659 | PrimeCool Logistics | Retail | Small | 2229106 | High | Sales Executive | 90 |
Lead-1930 | Tropical Foods | Restaurant | Small | 8708688 | High | IT Specialist | 90 |
Lead-7264 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Restaurant | Medium | 285326 | Low | IT Specialist | 50 |
Lead-7371 | Tropical Foods | Retail | Large | 9282866 | Medium | Data Entry Clerk | 110 |
Lead-7093 | Lakeside Produce | Warehouse | Medium | 8266581 | High | Safety Officer | 110 |
Lead-7246 | ChillOut Storage | Retail | Small | 852220 | High | HR Manager | 70 |
Lead-5722 | FarmFresh Distributors | Grocery | Large | 3844529 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-8723 | EcoFresh Grocers | Warehouse | Small | 5751267 | Medium | Sales Executive | 70 |
Lead-9262 | Seamless Supply Co. | Food Industry | Medium | 7529257 | High | Customer Service Representative | 160 |
Lead-6580 | Tropical Foods | Warehouse | Large | 1734863 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-7014 | FrostGrocers Ltd. | Food Industry | Small | 8344397 | Low | Financial Analyst | 50 |
Lead-1693 | Harvesting Warehouse | Logistics | Medium | 9307301 | Medium | Operations Supervisor | 90 |
Lead-9651 | Mountain Peak Foods | Restaurant | Small | 3193885 | Low | HR Manager | 50 |
Lead-1231 | Prime Food Partners | Logistics | Small | 9242726 | High | Financial Analyst | 90 |
Lead-3996 | FrostyEdge Supply | Food Industry | Medium | 4918283 | High | Warehouse Manager | 110 |
Lead-8869 | Harvest Organics | Food Industry | Small | 6507450 | High | Safety Officer | 90 |
Lead-7785 | Arctic Storage | Logistics | Medium | 9612077 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 70 |
Lead-7213 | ColdChain Logistics | Warehouse | Large | 6839684 | Medium | Operations Supervisor | 110 |
Lead-9388 | Global Foods | Logistics | Small | 3604899 | High | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-3471 | ChillZone Solutions | Warehouse | Medium | 9474900 | Low | HR Manager | 70 |
Lead-1975 | Lakeside Produce | Retail | Small | 7098637 | High | IT Specialist | 90 |
Lead-5870 | FrostBite Warehousing | Restaurant | Medium | 1925601 | High | Operations Supervisor | 110 |
Lead-7088 | Harvest Organics | Warehouse | Medium | 9911994 | Medium | Logistics Coordinator | 90 |
Lead-3774 | FarmFresh Distributors | Warehouse | Large | 6058204 | Medium | Operations Supervisor | 110 |
Lead-2938 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Food Industry | Medium | 8068200 | Medium | IT Specialist | 140 |
Lead-2171 | PureFoods Supply | Grocery | Small | 4425861 | Medium | Safety Officer | 70 |
Lead-1703 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Warehouse | Large | 1567341 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-4559 | Savvy Shopper Logistics | Grocery | Large | 4960934 | High | Warehouse Manager | 130 |
Lead-9529 | ColdComfort Logistics | Food Industry | Large | 7063013 | Low | Safety Officer | 140 |
Lead-8968 | NextGen Supply Chain | Restaurant | Medium | 6106989 | Medium | HR Manager | 90 |
Lead-9379 | Natural Foods Co. | Restaurant | Large | 9911545 | High | Warehouse Manager | 130 |
Lead-4854 | Lakeside Produce | Food Industry | Large | 1104567 | Low | Safety Officer | 90 |
Lead-3908 | FarmFresh Distributors | Food Industry | Small | 1819921 | High | Sales Executive | 90 |
Lead-7889 | UrbanCold Logistics | Logistics | Small | 3591634 | High | Customer Service Representative | 90 |
Lead-1277 | ColdChain Logistics | Grocery | Large | 9755715 | Low | Operations Supervisor | 140 |
Lead-3506 | QuickBite Foods | Logistics | Medium | 2443802 | High | Operations Supervisor | 110 |
Lead-2912 | FarmFresh Distributors | Grocery | Medium | 5839655 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 70 |
Lead-3548 | Seamless Supply Co. | Warehouse | Large | 2905843 | High | Financial Analyst | 130 |
Lead-1740 | FrostyEdge Supply | Food Industry | Medium | 199118 | Low | IT Specialist | 50 |
Lead-7972 | Arctic Storage | Logistics | Large | 8580626 | High | Sales Executive | 130 |
Lead-4353 | FrostyEdge Supply | Retail | Large | 1862255 | Medium | Safety Officer | 160 |
Lead-9213 | ChillZone Solutions | Grocery | Medium | 5662603 | High | Sales Executive | 110 |
Lead-2614 | FreshMarket Inc. | Logistics | Medium | 1640439 | Low | Sales Executive | 70 |
Lead-3615 | CoolCrest Supplies | Retail | Small | 4944631 | High | Operations Supervisor | 140 |
Lead-8637 | Prime Food Partners | Warehouse | Large | 4993536 | High | Financial Analyst | 130 |
Lead-5999 | Savvy Shopper Logistics | Grocery | Small | 8226728 | High | Safety Officer | 90 |
Lead-7362 | ColdChain Logistics | Restaurant | Large | 3021371 | Medium | HR Manager | 110 |
Lead-6863 | Tropical Foods | Retail | Large | 8297112 | High | Warehouse Manager | 130 |
Lead-4335 | GreenField Supplies | Retail | Small | 644554 | High | HR Manager | 70 |
Lead-5998 | Harvesting Warehouse | Retail | Small | 946054 | High | Financial Analyst | 70 |
Lead-2781 | ColdChain Logistics | Retail | Medium | 2680636 | Low | Logistics Coordinator | 70 |
Lead-5895 | CoolBreeze Distribution | Grocery | Medium | 2101525 | Low | Safety Officer | 70 |
Lead-2020 | Urban Eateries | Food Industry | Large | 5958313 | Medium | Logistics Coordinator | 110 |
Lead-1706 | QuickFreeze Ltd. | Restaurant | Small | 202706 | Low | Safety Officer | 30 |
Lead-7353 | UrbanCold Logistics | Grocery | Small | 2374084 | High | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-1964 | PureFoods Supply | Grocery | Large | 5259017 | Low | Sales Executive | 90 |
Lead-5754 | UrbanCold Logistics | Logistics | Medium | 103592 | Low | Data Entry Clerk | 50 |
Lead-4853 | UrbanCold Logistics | Warehouse | Small | 8786661 | High | Warehouse Manager | 90 |
Lead-7546 | Seamless Supply Co. | Retail | Small | 8731218 | High | Safety Officer | 90 |
Lead-6843 | Tropical Foods | Restaurant | Large | 4171704 | Low | Customer Service Representative | 90 |
Lead-1415 | PureFoods Supply | Warehouse | Small | 9307164 | High | Data Entry Clerk | 90 |
Lead-3392 | PeakPerformance Foods | Warehouse | Medium | 2986803 | High | Logistics Coordinator | 110 |
Lead-7148 | FrostyEdge Supply | Grocery | Medium | 6328188 | Medium | Customer Service Representative | 140 |
Lead-2504 | GreenField Supplies | Restaurant | Large | 7992685 | Low | Logistics Coordinator | 140 |
Lead-4099 | NorthStar Grocers | Warehouse | Small | 3717155 | Low | Operations Supervisor | 50 |
Lead-2644 | ValleyCold Chain | Grocery | Large | 3781858 | High | Financial Analyst | 130 |
Lead-5870 | FreshFlow Distribution | Retail | Medium | 1577833 | High | Operations Supervisor | 110 |
Lead-6110 | Frozen Goods Ltd. | Grocery | Large | 132793 | High | Sales Executive | 110 |
Lead-2627 | ChillZone Solutions | Logistics | Small | 6341696 | High | Financial Analyst | 140 |
Lead-6691 | Arctic Storage | Food Industry | Small | 3634357 | Medium | HR Manager | 70 |
Segment prospects by their engagement history, enabling sales to prioritize leads and optimize outreach efforts efficiently.
Assigns leads to the right sales team member efficiently, enhancing response times and boosting conversion chances.
Enhance lead profiles by automatically adding valuable info from online sources to boost sales engagement.
Automatically assess and score leads for prioritization, helping sales focus on high-quality prospects likely to convert.