Automate and Streamline Your Business Logic

No coding skills? No problem! ZBrain Flow empowers you to create complex business logic without writing a single line of code. Our intuitive drag-and-drop Flow interface allows you to connect multiple LLMs, prompt templates, extraction tools and more to develop custom NLP applications effortlessly. With ZBrain Flow, creating business logic and intricate workflows has never been easier.

ZBrain Flow

Features of ZBrain Flow

ZBrain Drag-and-drop Interface

Drag-and-drop Interface

ZBrain Flow’s drag-and-drop interface allows users to easily design and construct complex AI applications without any code. This feature simplifies creating business logic and workflows, making it handy for users of all skill levels.
ZBrain Seamless Language Model Integration

Seamless Language Model Integration

With ZBrain Flow, users can effortlessly interface with a wide range of LLMs and chat models, like OpenAI models. The platform supports advanced prompt serialization, streamlining the process of dynamically selecting and managing model inputs.

ZBrain Versatile Components

Versatile Components

ZBrain Flow offers diverse components and types, empowering users to create sophisticated ChatGPT-like apps effortlessly. Users can seamlessly develop advanced applications with action-initiating agents and workflow-enabling chains, among other components.

Automate Industry-specific Use Cases With ZBrain Flow

Unlock the full potential of AI-driven innovation with ZBrain Flow. Empower your business, enhance productivity, and transform your operations with cutting-edge AI applications. Get started today and experience the future of AI automation like never before.

Simplifying the Next Best Action Planning in Retail Using AI

Enhancing Customer Retention Strategies With AI

RetailEnhancing Customer Retention Strategies With AIStreamline Customer Retention for Increased Sales With ZBrainProblemThe Challenges of Customer Retention Ensuring customer loyalty and reducing churn are paramount for the success of retail businesses. With growing...

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Components of ZBrain Flow

ZBrain Agents


Agents act as action initiators, determining the sequence of actions to be taken by the application. Agents like CSVAgent and ZeroShotAgent allow language models to communicate with their environment and make decisions based on high-level directives.

ZBrain Agents


Chains enable users to construct complex workflows by connecting different components, creating a cohesive and functional application. ZBrain utilizes chain types such as Conversational Chain, LLM Chain and SequentialChain to define the flow of the app.

ZBrain Agents


Prompts provide the language models’ instructions, context, user inputs, and outputs. They templatize, dynamically select, and manage model inputs, making interacting with the AI models easier. ZBrain offers multiple prompt template options like few-shot and zero-shot prompts.

ZBrain Agents

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base component allows users to upload and manage data from various sources like PDFs, documents, web URLs and APIs. It provides a repository of information for the language models to use during interactions.

ZBrain Agents

Large Language Models

LLMs are the core language models used in ZBrain. They are pure text completion models that take string prompts as input and return string completions. ZBrain allows users to connect to various LLMs, such as GPT-4o, Llama 3, and more.

ZBrain Agents


Memories enable the persistence of the application state between runs of a chain. They store and remember user interactions, maintaining context and facilitating more natural and continuous conversations.

ZBrain Agents


Wrappers serve as interfaces to external integrations and libraries. They enable seamless interaction with other tools and systems, expanding the application’s capabilities.

ZBrain Agents


Tools are interfaces that allow agents to interact with different components and external services. They provide flexibility and extensibility to the application, allowing it to leverage a wide range of resources.

ZBrain Agents

Text Splitters

Text Splitters split large text documents into smaller chunks, enhancing the efficiency of processing and interactions with language models within ZBrain.