Contract Clause Extraction Agent

Efficient Contract Clause Extraction for Streamlined Analysis

About this Agent

The Contract Clause Extraction Agent leverages advanced AI-based text recognition technology to accurately identify and extract specific clauses from legal contracts. This powerful tool is designed to enhance the efficiency of legal professionals by providing quick reference and facilitating detailed analysis of contract terms. By automating the extraction process, this AI agent significantly reduces the time and effort required in contract management, ensuring that critical information is easily accessible and organized.



Input Data Set

Sample of data set required for Contract Clause Extraction Agent:

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on October 8, 2024, by and between Creative Solutions Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of Texas, with its principal place of business located at 789 Design Street, Art City ("Disclosing Party"), and Beta Innovations, a company incorporated under the laws of Texas, located at 456 Enterprise Lane, Business Town ("Receiving Party").


The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate discussions and potential collaboration between the parties while ensuring the protection of confidential and proprietary information disclosed by the Disclosing Party.


- Confidential Information refers to all proprietary and non-public information, including but not limited to business strategies, financial data, technical information, trade secrets, customer information, and product designs, whether disclosed orally or in writing.



Both parties agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized disclosure or use. The Receiving Party agrees not to disclose any Confidential Information to third parties without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party.


The Receiving Party shall not disclose, copy, or use any Confidential Information for purposes other than evaluating or engaging in a business relationship with the Disclosing Party.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of three (3) years from the date of execution, unless terminated sooner by mutual written consent. The confidentiality obligations under this Agreement shall survive its termination.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Texas.



Creative Solutions Inc.


Name: Alice Smith

Title: CEO

Date: October 8, 2024


Beta Innovations


Name: Bob Johnson

Title: CFO

Date: October 8, 2024

Service Agreement

This Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on October 8, 2024, between Creative Solutions Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of New York, with its principal place of business at 789 Design Street, Art City ("Client"), and Tech Solutions LLC, a limited liability company registered in New York, with its principal office at 987 Innovation Road, Techville ("Service Provider").

Scope of Services

The Service Provider agrees to provide software development services to the Client as detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto. These services include but are not limited to software design, development, and support.

Payment Terms

The Client agrees to pay the Service Provider a total fee of $100,000, payable in four equal installments of $25,000 each, upon the completion of the following project phases:

1. Project Planning and Design

2. Development

3. Testing and Quality Assurance

4. Final Delivery and Handover


The term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date and shall continue until December 31, 2025, unless extended by mutual written agreement of both parties.


Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information and intellectual property exchanged during the course of this Agreement. Confidentiality obligations will survive the termination of this Agreement.

Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property developed during the course of the services shall be owned exclusively by the Client. The Service Provider shall assign and transfer any rights to the Client upon payment.


Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days' written notice. In the event of termination, the Client will compensate the Service Provider for all work completed up to the date of termination.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New York.



Creative Solutions Inc.


Name: Laura Williams

Title: COO

Date: October 8, 2024


Tech Solutions LLC


Name: Mark Davis

Title: Managing Director

Date: October 8, 2024


Employment Agreement

This Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective as of October 8, 2024, between Creative Solutions Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of California, located at 789 Design Street, Art City ("Employer"), and Jamie Lee, residing at 321 Home Avenue, Suburbia ("Employee").

Position and Duties

The Employee is hired as a Graphic Designer and agrees to perform the duties outlined in the job description provided by the Employer, including but not limited to the design of marketing materials, websites, and branding assets. The Employee shall perform their duties to the best of their ability and in accordance with the standards of the Employer.


The Employee will receive an annual salary of $60,000, payable in bi-weekly installments. Payments will be made in accordance with the Employer's payroll policies. The Employee may also be eligible for performance-based bonuses as determined by the Employer.


The Employee is entitled to the following benefits, subject to the Employer's policies:

- Health insurance

- Dental insurance

- Participation in the Employer's 401(k) retirement plan, with matching contributions as applicable.


The Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information, trade secrets, client data, and any other confidential information encountered during employment. This obligation continues after the termination of employment.


For a period of six (6) months following the termination of employment, the Employee agrees not to directly or indirectly engage in any business that competes with the Employer within a 50-mile radius of the Employer's principal place of business.


This Agreement may be terminated by either party with a two (2) weeks' notice. In the event of termination for cause, no prior notice is required.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California.



Creative Solutions Inc.


Name: Karen Thompson

Title: HR Director

Date: October 8, 2024




Name: Jamie Lee

Date: October 8, 2024

Deliverable Example

Sample output delivered by the Contract Clause Extraction Agent:

Final Report: Contract Clause Extraction Worker

Client: Creative Solutions Inc.

Date: October 8, 2024

Purpose: Clause extraction from Employment Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and Service Agreement


The Contract Clause Extraction Worker was deployed to extract key clauses from three essential contracts: Employment Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and Service Agreement. This advanced AI-based worker streamlined the contract management process by automatically identifying specific contract clauses, significantly reducing the time spent by the legal team in manual review. Below is a comprehensive report on the clauses extracted from all three agreements in a unified table format.


| Agreement | Clause | Details |


| Employment Agreement | Position and Duties | The Employee is hired as a Graphic Designer. Responsible for designing marketing materials, websites, and branding assets. |

| | Compensation | Annual salary of $60,000, payable bi-weekly. Additional bonuses may be provided based on performance. |

| | Benefits | Health insurance, Dental insurance, 401(k) participation with matching contributions. |

| | Confidentiality | The Employee agrees to maintain confidentiality of all proprietary information and trade secrets encountered during employment. |

| | Non-Competition | Employee agrees not to engage in competing business for six (6) months within a 50-mile radius of the Employer’s business after termination. |

| | Termination | Either party can terminate the Agreement with two (2) weeks' notice. |

| | Governing Law | The Agreement is governed by the laws of California. |

| Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) | Purpose | To protect confidential information exchanged for collaboration. |

| | Confidentiality | Both parties agree to strict confidentiality and must take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information. |

| | Non-Disclosure | Receiving Party will not disclose Confidential Information to third parties without prior written consent of Disclosing Party. |

| | Term and Termination | Effective for three (3) years. Confidentiality obligations survive termination. |

| | Governing Law | The Agreement is governed by the laws of Texas. |

| Service Agreement | Scope of Services | Tech Solutions LLC agrees to provide software development services as outlined in Exhibit A. |

| | Payment Terms | Total fee: $100,000, payable in four equal installments of $25,000 upon completion of each project phase. |

| | Confidentiality | Both parties agree to maintain confidentiality over proprietary information and intellectual property shared during the project. |

| | Intellectual Property| All intellectual property developed during the project will be owned exclusively by Creative Solutions Inc. upon payment. |

| | Termination | Either party may terminate the Agreement with thirty (30) days' written notice. Compensation will be provided for work completed up to the termination date. |

| | Governing Law | The Agreement is governed by the laws of New York. |



The Contract Clause Extraction Worker efficiently extracted and categorized all relevant clauses from the Employment Agreement, NDA, and Service Agreement. This process significantly accelerated contract review and ensured accuracy across the contracts. With these clauses now readily available, Creative Solutions Inc. can quickly reference critical contract terms and ensure compliance in their business dealings.

Benefits of Using the Contract Clause Extraction Worker

- Time-saving: Automated clause extraction reduces manual review time.

- Accuracy: High-level precision in identifying key legal terms.

- Efficiency: Streamlined contract management for quick reference and compliance verification.

This report provides a clear understanding of the clauses present in the agreements and highlights the enhanced productivity achieved through the use of AI-powered contract management solutions.

Prepared for: Creative Solutions Inc.